Spiritual Peace - A letter sent to the Prime Minister of Qatar and government ministers, containing a proposal to change approach and bring about final peace between Arab peoples and Israel.
The Association for Spiritual Peace
your Excellency, Prime Minister of Qatar
Mr. Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani
Ministers of the Government of Qatar,
God bless you and the country of Qatar
From: Dr. Eran Eshkhar, N.D, M.P.H, metaphysician
president of the Association for Spiritual Peace
Larnaca, Cyprus
The subject: a proposal for a peace initiative that would bring an end to the Israeli-Arab
We are a group of intellectuals, metaphysicians and doctors from Israel and the world who formulated a spiritual plan to bring peace between Israel and the Arabs.
As A key player in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, we think that Qatar can play a critical role in changing this unfortunate and destructive reality of mutual killing that has lasted over 100 years.
The solution of mutual killing and destruction is not political or military, it is only a spiritual solution. Only a change in the minds of the leaders and then of the entire public will change the attitude of the parties and lead to final peace and heaven on earth. Egypt’s peace with Israel is an example of how a change in a person’s consciousness, who unfortunately did not try to change the consciousness of his people so that they would follow him, changed reality and created a cold and incomplete peace between the two peoples. By the concept of spiritual peace, I do not mean peace of the kind that exists between Israel and Egypt, but rather a warm, true, and eternal peace between peoples.
It is very likely that this way of thinking seems to you to be naive, strange, detached from reality, impossible and pretentious, but the reality of the last 100 years proves that all attempts to eliminate each other or alternatively to reach an arrangements have failed and they will continue to fail because all those concerned with the matter fail to recognize the source of the real problem.
The result is that there is no change in the way the parties all view and relate to the problem and everyone continues to return and use the same tools that have so far not brought any good result for everyone. In truth, both sides believe that no outcome can be good for either because they will lose anyway, therefore they are not ready to accept any solution.
So far, the Qatari government has transferred a lot of money to the Palestinians. Unfortunately, the Palestinians did not use this money for peaceful purposes, but instead spent all the money on preparations for war and firing missiles at Israel.
Was this Qatar’s plan for its money that is currently evaporating in the destruction taking place in Gaza?
Wouldn’t Qatar be happy if its money was put to better use, for example turning the Gaza Strip into a paradise for all its residents? Instead of heaven, the residents of Gaza have unfortunately created a hell for themselves.
On the other hand, there is Iran, which also contributes a lot of money to increase the war machine.
The most important spiritual question to ask here is – does God support and enjoy what his children on earth do to themselves? The unequivocal answer is, no! But all the partners in the war have been ignoring God and the messages he has been sending to humans for thousands of years. They fool themselves that they know what God wants (that they kill their fellow humans), But actually they hear in the voice of other human beings who tell them that these are God’s own words.
The source of all our troubles on earth is that few in the world possess spiritual knowledge. Unfortunately, this knowledge is not taught in our schools. Instead, the religions that are taught increase the hatred between different peoples and encourage them to kill each other. Not only is this not God’s request (as quite a few human beings mistakenly think), but God conveys an unequivocal message in the books which have been communicated to humanity to stop the hatred and killing between His children, between all nations.
God has given the world immense abundance. There is enough of everything for everyone, but unfortunately humans live under the illusion of severe scarcity and are therefore willing to fight and kill each other to obtain things that they could easily obtain if they were acting according to the spiritual laws. In a universe of abundance there is no need to take by force anything from the other. Look to the sky and see the abundance that God have created. The abundance is infinite.
There are many spiritual and practical principles given to humanity that cannot be contained in one letter. At the same time, in order for you to understand what some of the philosophical and spiritual foundations are on which we base our stand that the solution to this bloody conflict can only be spiritual, we will write a few of them here.
God is the beginning of everything and the creator of all human beings and all there is on earth and in universe.
All human beings came from one soul, the divine soul, and therefore we are all brothers, we are all one soul.
God resides in each of us.
As God our Father is eternal and not mortal so are we, there is no death in the universe.
We received a physical body and came down to this world so that God could experience his greatness, glory and divine beings (faith, truth, honesty, joy, peace, calm, determination, courage, love, positivity, wisdom, generosity, power, peace, grace, kindness, mercy, giving, forgiveness, tolerance, openness, creativity, hope, optimism) through physical experiences. The purpose of the experiences is to create divine beings and discover our divinity, his divinity, which means to resemble God.
Man is eternal, there is no death in the universe, every man continues to live even after his death, we are all like God, therefore no one can really kill someone else and should not do it.
It is unthinkable that a man would kill a man, his brother, a son of God like him, and end his physical incarnation in a violent manner. Do not kill is one of the ten commandments and the first of which Moses received from God. There is never any justification for any killing unless it is clear self-defense and critical to save your own life.
We are all sons of a king, the lord of the universe, the possessor of infinite abundance. That is why it is ridiculous to see that the sons of a king behave like poor sons and fight for something that God has given all his children in abundance.
Every person can create infinite abundance of anything in his life if he knows how to use the six tools of creation that the Creator of the world gave to humans – imagination, thought, emotion, faith, speech and action.
Our children must be taught these principles from the day they are born and educate them to love all their fellow human beings. We came into the world to give to others as much as possible and not to take from the world as much as possible. No one leaves this world with anything they have accumulated in the physical world.
Everything that is in the world and the universe is God’s property which is lent to humans for their use while they are here. All things must be used to promote good in the world and not evil.
For various reasons, humans have given the narrow ego consciousness that feels disconnected and separated from God. Therefor his consciousness tend to feels constant distress and fear, it is confused and interprets reality incorrectly, it can be easily manipulated by people who are also confused and therefore it chooses to follow ungodly ways and cause harm to the people around it.
Ego consciousness needs healing by spiritual people who are in constant contact with the “universal consciousness”, “God” and whose purpose is to bring love and peace to the world. Their role is to reveal to humans who they are and what their origin and divine heritage are, what their true relationship to God is, what powers they really have to create their reality, what the purpose of life is and what the divine plan is for them, and many other truths.
Humans can change their attitude and their awareness and move to live in the awareness of the soul and God and then they will bring love, peace and harmony to the world. Then the physical world will become heaven on earth. Heaven is not somewhere else, but right here we can create heaven for everyone.
The wealth of one is not at the expense of the wealth of the other and cannot reduce the wealth of the other because the spring of wealth and happiness is infinite. Everyone is responsible for creating their own wealth and happiness through their own consciousness. Anyone can learn to do this. Our schools are required to do this. Everyone’s focus on contributing to humanity, to their fellow human beings, is what will bring each of us happiness and mental and financial well-being.
On the other hand, humans can choose to continue on the path of mutual hatred, division and murder and bring destruction and annihilation upon themselves and all of humanity.
It is clear that allowing insane regimes to develop atomic weapons and their clear declaration of their desire to use them against other nations is the beginning of the end of humanity. God explicitly says in his series of books, “Conversations with God” that it is in our hands whether we destroy the world or not, not in his hands.
The entire conscious world must unite and oppose the continued creation of weapons of mass destruction. The resistance should be in love and not in war, but if the attempts fails, force must also be used to prevent crazy regimes from continuing to develop deadly weapons that will drag the world into an all-out war that will destroy them and the entire world.
Unfortunately, there is not a single leader in the world right now who understands these principles and acts according to them. To most of them it will seem ridiculous and naive to strive to realize these principles, but no matter what this or that leader, who is a prisoner of his ego consciousness thinks, if we do not follow the spiritual path that God outlines for us, the end of the world is near. An atomic war will destroy the world as you know it and everything we hold dear.
And what will we gain from it?
Changing the entire human perception is the order of the hour, it is the necessity of reality and the government of Qatar has enormous power to make this change not only in the Middle East but in the entire world. No country in the world can remain indifferent to such a drastic change in one region of the world. The whole world will imitate the consciousness revolution and its success.
And now, the government of Qatar can make a dramatic, sensational decision that will change the face of the world and reality and the history of humanity. No Messiah and no prophet will come and do the work for us, this is an illusion. God says that only humanity itself should do this as a test and proof of its spiritual maturity. Can humanity afford to fail in this critical mission where the future of all humanity is at stake?
Money is power, the power to influence others. It can be used for the glorification of the kingdom of heaven and God and the good of mankind or it can be used to destroy the world.
What we are proposing to the Government of Qatar is this; Invest your money in building a new educational network, detached from any religion, that will teach the children in Gaza at all stages of education, and the adults, whose minds are currently programmed to hate the other and destroy him, all the spiritual principles we mentioned here and much more. Spiritual knowledge is infinite.
The knowledge currently the public possess is very limited because no one taught it to them.
God promises us that we will see great miracles that we cannot even imagine if we adhere to the spiritual principles of the universe (God). So why don’t we do this and rescue humanity from the nightmare of its ego consciousness?
Together with us and under our guidance we can build a multi-stage curriculum for every age and turn every person who learns it into a spiritual person who is connected to his soul and to God in a very practical way. The world would look completely different without wasting the huge amount of money on producing weapons, maintaining armies that fight each other and mass killing with all its devastating results. Enormous suffering and misery will be spared from millions of people in the world.
Wouldn’t that be a beautiful and lovely world that would be much better to live in?
Don’t you prefer the world God wants us to have over the chaos we have right now?
We do not kid ourselves that this will be an easy task. There will be strong opposition from billions of people, especially the leaders of all religions who will be interested in continuing the old way of thinking, claiming that it must not be abandoned, that it is God’s commandment to humans and that the struggle, the war, and the killing in the name of God must be continued. This mistaken approach led us to suffering, to the loss of many human lives, to destruction and misery.
What rational person can think that this is God’s will?
From mutual killing, destruction there are no gainers, only losers. In wars there are no winners and losers, there are only losers.
Leaders may think that the continuation of the old concepts serves their narrow interests, but they too are trapped in the confusion of their ego-consciousness and do not distinguish between real profit and pretended profit. They consider the satisfaction of their ego needs as a profit, while they consider the freedom of action and thought of their public as a disadvantage and are afraid of losing control over the public. These leaders do not understand where true happiness lies and are not connected to their soul and God’s true desire.
This is about a deep change of consciousness, but humanity has been waiting for this for thousands and maybe millions of years during which it only caused itself damage, suffering, and misery. Any effort to reach the sacred goals of peace, tranquility, and happiness for all is not too great an effort because it means the survival or non-survival of humanity.
As impossible as it sounds to almost all of us today, the solution to this ongoing conflict is simple – a change in our consciousness.
Wouldn’t the government of Qatar and the State of Qatar be happy to be the one leading this huge change in human history? I want to believe so.
Our proposal and request to the Prime Minister and the government of Qatar is to meet with us for a series of meetings where we will delve into and learn the spiritual principles that without understanding, internalizing, and accepting them there will be no real desire to realize our plan. We will also delve into the practical details of the program and how it can be applied to a large population.
These meetings can of course be at your place in Qatar or anywhere else you choose.
We will be happy to receive your response to our initiative at the telephone numbers and email listed below.
Dr. Eran Eshkhar, N.D, M.P.H, metaphysician
President of the Association for Spiritual Peace
Dr. Michael Abulafia, M.D, psychiatrist.
Dr. Amro Yehya, M.D.
Dr. Yosef Abu Matir, M.D.
Yogev Baruhc, attorney.
Yogev Mira, attorney.
Dr. Yusef Ali, M.P.H, Phd
- Neil Donald Walsch’s books: “Conversations with God”, AT:
https://www.google.com/search?q=neale+donald+walsch+books&rlz=1C1CHBD_enCY1030CY1030&oq=Neil+Donald+Walsh&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCwgCEAAYChgTGIAEMgYIABBFGDkyCwgBEC4YChgTGIAEMgsIAhAAGAoYExiABDILCAMQABgKGBMYgAQyCwgEEAAYChgTGIAEMgwIBRAAGAoYExgWGB4yDAgGEAAYChgTGBYYHjIGCAcQRRg80gEIODkzMGowajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 - Jane Roberts’ books, channeling of Seth, at:
https://www.google.com/search?q=jane+roberts&sca_esv=a6fbe16d171ab0fd&rlz=1C1CHBD_enCY1030CY1030&sxsrf=ACQVn0-cnGg2AeU-Ozw37zRZnfZUXyrdCA%3A1707201292474&ei=DNPBZarOHN2mkdUPlK62eA&gs_ssp=eJzj4tTP1TcwLDGtTDZg9OLJSsxLVSjKT0otKikGAF7uCAs&oq=Gane+Roberts&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDEdhbmUgUm9iZXJ0cyoCCAAyBxAuGA0YgAQyBxAuGA0YgAQyBxAAGIAEGA0yChAuGIAEGA0Y1AIyBxAAGIAEGA0yBxAAGIAEGA0yBxAuGIAEGA0yBxAuGIAEGA0yBxAAGIAEGA0yBxAAGIAEGA0yFhAuGA0YgAQYlwUY3AQY3gQY4ATYAQNIgYsCUNAbWPXrAXABeAGQAQCYAaUBoAHSBKoBAzAuNLgBAcgBAPgBAvgBAcICChAAGEcY1gQYsAPCAg0QABiABBiKBRhDGLADwgIOEAAY5AIY1gQYsAPYAQHCAhMQLhiABBiKBRhDGMgDGLAD2AECwgIFEC4YgATCAgUQABiABMICCxAuGIAEGMcBGK8BwgIUEC4YgAQYlwUY3AQY3gQY4ATYAQPCAg0QLhiABBgNGMcBGK8BwgIWEC4YgAQYDRiXBRjcBBjeBBjgBNgBA-IDBBgAIEGIBgGQBhC6BgYIARABGAm6BgYIAhABGAi6BgYIAxABGBQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp - Sanaya Roman’s book, channeling Orin and De Ben. At:
https://www.amazon.com/stores/Sanaya-Roman/author/B000APEVSM?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true - Ridall Kathryn Phd: “Channeling”: How to reach out to your Spirit Guides.
- Schuster Michael: “A path towards forgiveness” – channeling with Adolf Hitler.
- Brian Weiss, M.D books: at
and many more books and articles.